What if you were only one yes away from total life change?
Amanda and Brice Cocoa Beach Youth Quake April 2008
Amanda and I met in April of 2008 in Cocoa Beach, Florida and we started dating October 1st if that same year. In the beginning of December, we went to Maryland together to see one of my former band mates who was in the country for a short time. (Jamie, the Australian guitar player.) While we were there, I distinctly remember her laying on my chest and I had absolute assurance that “she was the one.” We hadn’t even known each other for 9 months but I knew she was the one I wanted to marry.
The engagement ring was very special to me. It was given to me by my mom. After my parents divorced my mom had her engagement ring (given by my dad) re-set into a new band. My mom decided to pass that ring on to me. It was my dad’s diamond set into my mom’s band. I received the ring, got it cleaned and sized. I had devised a clever way to acquire Amanda’s ring size without her realizing it so I could have the engagement ring sized perfectly. I spent $30.51 on her engagement ring.
In April of 2009 we planned a trip to Ft Lauderdale to visit my sister and I had planned to pop the question while we were there. It just so happened to be the same weekend exactly one year later and not too far from when we met. My sister already knew it was coming and tried to create a bunch of opportunities for me to make it a special moment. But one thing had to happen first.
I HAD to get her father’s blessing!
In one of the opportunities we arranged for the guys to ride in one car and the girls to go in another. That way I could make the call in private. Her mom saw a number that she didn’t recognize and didn’t answer. In her defense, they’re Canadian and don’t often receive calls from the States. I tried again and I think they realized it was a New York number, so they picked it up. I gave a brief update on our time in Florida and then asked her mom if I could talk to Bob.
“Hi Bob, I didn’t just call to update you on our time in Florida. I wish I could talk to you in person, but I actually called to ask your blessing to take your daughter’s hand in marriage.” (I had rehearsed this line so many times in my head I am certain that this is exactly what I said)
-eternity passed-
Bob- “Wow, Congratulations...Wow...Congratulations...Wow, wow.
I let them know that I was going to ask her in the next 24 hours and I’m sure they would be hearing from us again. And that was the end of the call.
While his favor was implied, he never actually said ‘Yes.’
The next day we went to church. On the way back to my sister’s house we went by a little park that had a pond. We walked down around, and I took her under a palm tree (her favorite), got down on one knee and asked her to be my wife.
She said, “Of course!”
She also didn’t actually say “Yes.” (Like Father, like daughter.)
Then the turtles came up from the pond and watched me put the ring on her finger. Not even kidding.
Our Wedding Day 10/10/10